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The months for hunting Sambar are late May, June and July and Alpine Hunting limits trophies in this species to just a handful each year for game management purposes. Sambar are now more attainable with bigger numbers to hunt at our Te Puke estate.

Sambar were introduced to New Zealand in 1875 from Ceylon, India and the South Pacific is now the only region in this world this species can be hunted. Closely related to the Rusa, Sambar also prefer to inhabit thick scrub and bush however this species frequently ventures out into small clearings to feed.

Sambar are a large deer with a distressed bark that is not dissimilar to a fog horn! The second largest deer species in New Zealand, a mature stag can weigh 700+lbs. The antler on Sambar are very dense, and for this reason they are often sought after by both trophy hunters and knife makers all over the world.



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