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10 easy steps to your New Zealand Hunt Vacation!

Not sure where to begin when planning your New Zealand hunt? We've broken it down into 10 easy steps to follow to get a successful hunt with Alpine Hunting!


1.  Decide on New Zealand as your next hunt destination - it's safe, friendly and beautiful!

2.  Think about what you want to hunt and when you want to come - if you want to come during the roar you need to be thinking 2 years ahead

3.  Get in touch with Nicki through the website inquiry buttons or call us on FREEPHONE 1 888 891 0526

4.  Ask for references - they can answer the curly questions 

5.  Decide on dates 

6.  Pay a 25% deposit to secure your hunt dates - you will receive a contract and information pack to help you prepare

7.  Start researching any sightseeing you might want to add on before or after your hunt

8.  Get in touch with a travel agent to book your flights and sightseeing 

8.  Make sure your Passport has 6 months validity from the date of your trip: apply online for Visitors Visa, firearms entry.  

10. Arrive in New Zealand and we will take care of you from the moment we pick you up from the airport!

Posted by Alpine Hunting on December 06, 2019


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